Architect by the ETSA of Seville since 2002, he has focused his professional career on Calculation and Technique. He has worked in the Civil Engineering and Architecture consultancy firm, Adarajas y Arquitectura SLP (2003 - 2013), where he had mainly designed and directed public building works (office buildings, educational, commercial, car parks, exhibitions, etc.); infrastructure and urban development projects and works; and, above all, projects and works focused on structures (retaining walls, frames, pedestrian walkways, roofs; steel and concrete building or mixed structures, structural reinforcement projects, etc.).
He has been CEO of the consultancy firm Técnica y Tensión since 2013, where he has analysed, designed and calculated structural projects in their entire conception: carrying out conventional or advanced analyses (linear and non-linear, dynamic,...); designing in conventional or advanced construction (prefabricated, mixed, post-tensioned..., with self-generating schemes depending on the case,...); and advising the client in decision-making (analysis and calibration of safety coefficients, adjustment of parameters and tests, pathology, geotechnics,...).
He has multiple courses developed at the UPM and the University of Seville (US); the DEA read in 2011 (US); the first two years taken at the School of Civil Engineering of the University of Cordoba (UCO), and more than 100,000 square metres calculated of structures of multiple typologies (both new plant and intervention and reinforcement in existing structures).