At Ingravitto, our biggest concern is that our work must be aligned with the duty of preserving the environment in which we live.
Our cities and buildings must be designed to function in a way that won’t alter or increase the climate disaster that is already existing.
That is why we approach our constructions from a social responsibility philosophy, following procedures that reduce the use of energy resources, promote clean and free energies, and optimise sustainable systems
Energy is considered as an essential element and component in our designs and performances. Our job is to carry out energy efficiency actions and to implement active and passive measurements to make our buildings nearly Zero-Energy consuming Buildings (nZEB), which would reduce CO2 emissions onto the atmosphere and their carbon footprint. It is understood that to consider renewable energy as the only and main energy supply for the property itself is an added value for the building.
A nearly zero-energy building (nZEB) must have two essential characteristics: a very high level of energy efficiency and an almost non-existing or a very low energy demand; and in addition, it must come mainly from renewable sources. Our aim in the design of our buildings is to achieve this model to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the 2030 Agenda.
Our job on existing constructions, ranging from residential, hospital, administrative and commercial use buildings, begins with a previous analysis (express energy examinations or energy due diligence), which the starting point is evaluated with, allowing us to incorporate and study improvements mainly focused basically on reducing the building’s energy consumption, thus its carbon footprint, in order to continue with its energy rehabilitation.
At Ingravitto, we are BREEAM partners (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology), a method for assessing and certifying sustainability in the building process. Consultancy on its application in a project is offered, both to technicians involved in the design team and to commercial departments, etc. Doing so, we can assist all those involved to understand the benefits in applying this methodology to their projects, as a tool and distinctive acknowledgement in their buildings.
The BREEAM methodology was the first ever created tool to assess the sustainability in building in 1990. It has always been aimed to ensure a social, efficient, and environmentally responsible construction through the evaluation of certain requirements from different categories.
At Ingravitto, we cooperate with projects that do believe in change. They are based in the idea that an individual change is needed and necessary to finally bring about the global change we pursue and which many of us are working for: to stop climate change.
For instance, REFOREST, focused on reforestation. Our CEO Raúl Tinoco, has decided to join and support them on their labour so that some more trees can be planted, contributing to their cause, and, at the same time, making it up for his carbon footprint. These are small gestures that add up to joint efforts we all have ahead of us
The working procedure Ingravitto has been applying for years in their designs and control-execution of their works, allow the entire team to intervene simultaneously and immediately in the process. It also allows us to incorporate new energy efficient and sustainable strategies, which make our buildings and performances models committed against climate change. In addition, this methodology lets us manage the building’s control throughout its whole life cycle: from its planning and initial outlines to the building process itself, and later maintenance and even demolition or renovation.
This way, BIM is a perfect tool to support our principles and commitment to the efficiency in the maintenance and application of circular economy processes and materials life cycle.
At Ingravitto, we are ISO 9001 certified, a worldwide benchmark for quality management in a company.
This certificate accredits our commitment to our projects’ quality control and the client, whom we interact and cooperate with, to know their motivations and expectations.
Moreover, the production systems are controlled and quality control processes and tracking of the jobs done are carried out.
This way, BIM is a perfect tool to support our principles and commitment to the efficiency in the maintenance and application of circular economy processes and materials’ life cycle